Our Sponsors List contains the names of the our local businesses, large and small, commercial, industrial, educational and non-profit organizations, among others. These Sponsors unselfishly lend their support and financial assistance to enrich our community. Click on Sponsor's name, as instructed below, and you will be connected to Sponsor's web page.
Benefits Accruing to your Post's Sponsors
Advertising on our American Legion Post Web Page enables you to reach thousands of Veterans, their families and friends throughout the community. The goodwill you receive, showing your love of country, family and community by supporting all Veteran organizations result in untold goodwill, benefits and new business.
Following the Yellow Page format your organization will be listed alphabetically by category; i.e. Accountants, Attorneys, Banks, Carpet Cleaners, Dentists, Electronics, Florists, Home Repairs, Optometrists, Pet Services, Pizzas, Real Estate, Television/Satellites, Veterinarians, Wedding Planning, etc. showing your name, address and telephone number, e-mail and web-page addresses.
Interested customers who click on your listing will be connected directly to your own e-mail or web page enabling you to communicate your products/services to your utmost advantage.
Create your own advertisement, complete with photos, and we will run a feature story once a year highlighting your organization and/or services.
The small, tax deductible donation of $250 per year entitles your listing to be displayed on our website for an entire year generating goodwill and new business. 100% of donations acquired will be spent within our community for scholarships for our children, assistance to Veterans, their families and other worthy community projects and programs.
Egelhoff, Siegert Casper Funeral Home
Hoffman, Schneider Funeral Home
Leonard Funeral Home
Floor Show Corp
Friedman Insurance
Richard Burgmeier
Don Freymann
Tom Metz
Roger Schuster
Chuck Schrup
Tjim Theisen
Brannon Monument
Premier Bank
Bob Felderman
Mike Martin
Runde Chevrolet
Behrs Funeral Home
Anderson Weber
Finnin Auto